Blitz (96/213)

From:Fr�d�ric Laboureur
Date:17 May 2000 at 17:14:39
Subject:Re: New Command Set :-( (aaarrrggggh)

Hello David,

> I think its a bug in the NCS. I tried opening an NCS window and then using
> the OS commands to process the messages, and it still only gave me 5
> mousemoves. Changing to opening the window with OS commands gives the
> correct response - mousemoves until you quit.
> I don't know any workaround, I thought using OS commands for processing
> the messages would have helped, but it seems not.

This is very strange. Probably an IDCMP is set by default and shouldn't.
If there is a command called 'ChangeIDCMP()' in the NCS, then use it at it
will change the defautl IDCMP for the window, else no way. Sorry..

Good bye,



/\/\/\/\/\ Frederic 'AlphaSND' Laboureur
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